

2010-02-22 7:05 p.m.

I think I may have figured out why I don't seem to want this new girl. My explanation seems rational and makes me more comfortable with how I feel.

I'm in search of something more particular; something she is not. I couldn't tell you specifically what it is I'm after, more that I just know what I don't want.

She seems to like me and if I were to guess, would fuck me too. When I'm single sex isn't really that important to me. If something comes along my way I might consider it, but not now. I feel more drive to just mass more knowledge. Learning has a lot more importance than getting laid for me, or at least at this time in my life.

Fuck, this is a bitch articulating all of the little complexities here. This window has been open for 35 minutes. Long story short: I am after a girl that I'd want to fall asleep next to with a boob in my hand. With her I'd lose all interest after I bust and that would make class just awkward.

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